Extra 100g SKEIN - Dutch Advent Calendar - STARRY NIGHT VINCENT VAN GOGH
Extra 100g. skein of Bio Organic Certified Fine merino in a muted neutral tone to enhance and complement your Advent Calendar from the Dutch Yarn Barn.
This very first Advent Calender will be a stunner, heavily influenced by Vincent van Gogh's beautiful yet moody palette in "STARRY NIGHT". A fantastic source of (colour)inspiration by a true Master. I have been visiting the Van Gogh collections in The Netherlands this summer to do colour study on original van Gogh paintings & palette themselves.
1 Bio Organic Certified Fine Merino (21 micron) in 100 g. skeins fingering weight 400m each
Naturally Dyed, neutral muted mid-saturated tone, designed to let the Advent Calender shine like a star.
The painting is a night scene with yellow stars over a small town with hills. It is a view from an imaginary point over a village with a church tower and a flaming cypress on the left and olive trees on the right against the hills. For the use of complementary colours, Van Gogh went back to Delacroix.
The painting is often associated with the words of Vincent van Gogh: "Why, I wonder, wouldn't the bright dots in the sky be as easy to reach as the black dots on the map of France? to Tarascon or Rouen, we use death to travel to the stars." He wrote this in a letter to his brother Theo which he sent from Arles on 9 or 10 July 1888.
Van Gogh painted the piece at a time when he felt a strong urge for religion.
Delivery will be November, i have started the dye process, there are only a few spots left, so get your orders in quickly!