1st ANNIVERSAY The Dutch Yarn Barn!

We're so excited to celebrate it with you!

LOOKING BACK and beyond..

It has been a full and beautiful start-up year for TDYB. There has been an tremendous growth in support and dialogue with you all, ethical- bio- and farmyarnlovers, a huge thank you for that! There have been joyful conversations and collaborations with designers and artists, a publication in Libelle Handmade Magazine and many successful yarn festivals and social meetings. There has been a steep learning curve concerning all things related to dyeing and small bussiness. I have completed two extensive made-to-measure wholesale orders for well reputed yarnshops in Amsterdam and The Hague. People got to know me a little and the tribe of natural dyed, eco-friendly and fair ethically sourced yarnlovers is growing little by little. Connecting with my new dyer-collegues from all over the globe (from Canada to Europe to Australia) and exchanging knowledge and tips is also an enormous source of joy.

Looking within and beyond, if ever Corona did one thing, it is that it made us stop and realize that we are not alone, we are all connected. To each other, but foremost to our eco-system, to our planet Earth. How we act reflects on the whole system.
And that we cán make an impact and cán change towards more eco-friendly behaviour, therefore also the choices we make regarding textiles, yarns and clothing. It matters. Yarn is an excellent medium to express these values and acts like a symbol of connection, the life-thread between people, animals, across cultures and across time.

Leave me a message and let me know how your thoughts are about this topic! 



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